Match result

Season 13, Round 2
Team badge
Rotting Christs

gate: 24 000
1 TD score 3
cas score
Elven Union logo
no custom badge
Mithlond Marvels


profile Alois Alzheimer
TD Scorers
profile Calenestel
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers

profile Alois Alzheimer
profile Hemorrhage Harry

profile Wormpile
Completions by
profile Calenestel
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile Jakob Creutzfeldt
MVP awards to
profile Beldin dead
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
-1 AV
profile Beldin dead
Result added January 29th, 2014

Match notes
One elven journeyman infected and joins the rotting ranks as "the nameless rotter"
The Rotters stood chanceless but got a comfort goal and drew some blood. Fan favorite in the marvels was number 3 Veanne. For alone sacrificeing herself nobly, dodging into three tackle zones and popping the ball so that her team mates could easily pass the ball into the goal.
The rotter Jakob Creutzfeldt is hanging by a loose thread after resting in the knock out booth from early in the game.

The Rotter fan favorite was number 7 Alois Alzheimer, for scoring, injuring Beldin and generally being in the elves' way.

14000 elven fans came and fut the 10000 rotter fans to shame. the rotters however won the coin toss and started out as defence. This was a bad call though since they did not manage to either force an early touchdown or stop theirs so in turn four the elves scored and with no players out the nurgle offence halted and they lost the ball so that the elves could force a larger lead. after that though the rotters started picking players off, the problem though was that they had their biggest threat Jakob Creutzfeldt in the KO-booth since firm five or six first half and with the elven blodgers back on the pitch they could never get back on their smelly feet. Jakob Creutzfeldt however put his time in the knock out booth to good use and talked himself up to the judge so that he won most valuable player

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