Match result

Season 5, Round 1
Team badge
Tüskarna från Linghed

gate: 11 000
2 TD score 0
cas score
Team badge
Goose Riders


profile Leopold
profile Lothar dead
TD Scorers
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers

Hobby "Goose" McGraft dead
Loaf Bounty (50000 gp)

profile Karl dead
profile Franz dead
Completions by
Riggy Nudgenails
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile Lothar dead
MVP awards to
Frantz Obertz dead
Sustained Injuries

Herman dead
-1 MA

profile Maximilian dead
Result added June 9th, 2011

Match notes
The meager show of Tüskarnas fans was massively overshadowed by the fans of Goose Riders. Nevertheless, the battle on the pitch was a different story.

The sneaky Underworld team elected to receive in the first half. Though they held the ball and made several sideways moves, they could not really manage to get the ball close to the Humans end zone. Following the tight defense of Tüskarna, in the end they managed to knock the ball loose and score in the final minutes of the first half.

Though the Humans received in the second half, the match slowly turned in favor of the Underworld. All of their knocked out players returned to the pitch, and suddenly Tüskarna från Linghed was outnumbered! Nervous of this advantage for the Underworld, the Human coach goaded his players on for a rather quick 2-0 touchdown.

The last quarter of the game saw Goblins and Skavens pushing the Humans back. Loaf pounded poor Maximilian to the ground and then sat on him, effectively ending his Blood Bowl career and his life!

Tüskarna managed to hold Goose Riders back though, ending their first game with a solid victory.

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