Match result

Season 5, Round 2
Team badge
Children of the Corn

gate: 20 000
1 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Gjallarhornets IF


Sirap dead
TD Scorers
profile Rannveig retired
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

profile POPCORN
Badly Hurt'ers

Completions by
profile Jorunn retired
profile Hilda
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile POPCORN
MVP awards to
profile Hilda
Sustained Injuries
Result added June 16th, 2011

Match notes
12000 away fans came to see a bloody game and met with 8000 home fans. Something was bound to happen. First half the children started as offence but quickly fond the ball in human hands. Their biggest threat to GIF spent a lot of time on its back like a wild turtle unable to rise to his feet making GIF's ogre a really bright player. After first half the score was 0-1, Not satisfying for either teams fans. So second half started with a pitch invasion that stunned three GIF players and five CoC Players leaving the field open for a quick goal for GIF... But when it was found out that they cheated with their players placement on the field the half started over leaving GIF confused and doing really stupid mistakes. After the children made their first goal it was to much for the fans that started a brutal riot shortening the game and left GIF chasing to hard for the winning goal. The last thing they did was an easy dodge by their nimble blitzer Yrsa for a sure win and a safe touchdown, but easy it was not. Even though that she is best player for the task she failed and dropped the ball. In violence on the field it was surprisingly GIF that dominated and played almost the whole game with more players on the field.

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