Match result

Open 39, round 1
Team badge
Hill House Heretics

gate: 9 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Nurgle logo
no custom badge
Reservoir Rotters


Zack the Wolf
TD Scorers
mercenary / star
mercenary / star
Foulers (no cas)

Heretic Eleven
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers

Zack the Wolf

Boss Blight
Boss Blight

foul by Heretic Eleven

Blueberry Pie
Completions by
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

William V Wraith
MVP awards to
Fungus Freddy
Sustained Injuries

Jack the Wolf
Miss Next Game
Niggling Injury
Mr. Rot
victim regenerated
Result added September 26th, 2024

Match notes

        - - empty - -

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