Match result

Season 7, Round 8
Underworld Denizens logo
no custom badge
Zhlaves of Zhatan

gate: 27 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Angry Birds


Talrik Quickfeet dead
TD Scorers
profile Alouette
profile Daya dead
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

Gorduz Gutpuncher
Gashgrut Dashcutter
Badly Hurt'ers

Thrall Badpelt

Thrall Badpelt

Sureyh Ballarm retired
Completions by
profile Circe
profile Dove
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

MVP awards to
profile Tzipporah
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
profile Jay retired
-1 AG
victim healed by apoth
profile Daya dead
Result added May 3rd, 2012

Match notes
The game started with the Z winning the toss and choosing to receive. Despite the Birds managing to blitz at the kickoff and catch their own kick, the Z easily regathered the ball and scored. The Birds then slowly and agonizingly made their way forward, finally having to resort to desperation plays to score after having gotten the ball sacked and taken twice.

Second half saw much the same thing - the Birds failing a handoff to the score meant a succession of sacked balls back and forth to the tune of Yackity Sax until the Z couldn't take the ball in their last sack and the Birds could pick up the ball in the endzone for the score.

In the following kickoff Daya was killed in an amusing series of mishaps (or successes, if you were coaching the Z.)

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