Chao Ab Ordo!

Race:  Chaos Dwarf
Coach:  Thursablot
Deep in the Mountains of Mourn in the Dark Lands to the east they dug, deeper then Hashuts darkness could engulf and protect them and down in the abyss they found a portal to the kliffothic paths and let the demons in to creation. The chaos that engulfed and devoured them was a chaotic power the world had not seen since the beginning of time.They searched deep into the minds of their summoners and found the way to the un-creation of all... Bloodbowl!

Eleven to Kill the Ten!

Chao Ab Ordo! team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
July 2nd, 2013 - old news
Heill Mahapralaya!
- Thursablot
Tournaments played:
Reserves Rumble, Season 10, Season 11, Season 12, Open Season 2
Trophies won:
2nd place: Season 11
3rd place: Season 10
Collector cards: Season 10




Retired 2020-08-31 /Anders

Current Champion

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