Clar Karond Derelicts

Race:  Dark Elf
Coach:  Pellevin
They come

From all over Naggaroth they come

Sons and daughters of the houses that have perished in the eternal petty strifes that permeate the fabric of Dark Elf society

They come

Drop outs from witch and executioner training facilities

They all come to Clar Karond to find a new life. They hope for a future as corsairs. Some of them find what they seek. Some find death or slavery.

And some are truly unfortunate

They get drafted by the Derelicts

Clar Karond Derelicts team badge
Bulletin board from the coach


Tournaments played:
Reserves Rumble, Squig Bowl 10, Season 11
Trophies won:
Collector cards: Season 11


Current Champion

Latest matches:
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