Dunwyn Horrors

Race:  Slann
Coach:  Mooselord

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Bulletin board from the coach
Aug. 1st, 2014 - old news
Overheard in the locker room
Sunni: Can we beat the Slavehunters on Sunday?
Thornberry:: No. We cannot. But we will meet them in battle nonetheless
- Jocke
July 9th, 2014 - old news
New addition to the squad.
The Dunwyn Horrors has signed a new player. Thornberry. He is overpaid and dives whenever he can. As you can guess, he once had a promising soccer career but had to give it up because he was to keen on getting up on his feet again.

- We´ll show the snots that they are not the only diving tacklers in the league, says the coach about the important group final on friday.
- Jocke
Tournaments played:
Reserves Rumble, Squig Bowl 13, Season 14
Trophies won:
2nd place: Season 14
Best uppercut: Season 14



retired 2020-09-03 /Anders

Current Champion

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