Ghrond Dreadspears

Race:  Dark Elf
Coach:  Pellevin
Ghrond, the Dark Tower, city of sorcerers. For ages it has been a center of the power of the mind. The local troops have never had much of a standing in this bleak domain.

As a response, some of them have completely turned their back on everything mental. This newfound stupidity has found an excellent arena on the Blood Bowl pitch, and the game has become a massive success among the lower levels of this extremely hierarchical community. And now their finest players believe they're ready to take on the world.

Of course they are...

Ghrond Dreadspears team badge
Bulletin board from the coach


Tournaments played:
StockbowlOpen 1, Season 19
Trophies won:
Collector cards: StockbowlOpen 1
Open Champion: StockbowlOpen 1



Current Champion

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