Global Blackdogs

Race:  Goblin
Coach:  The cat alan
After the dissolution of his Pact team, Global Drinkiller refused to join most of his teammates into following khorne on the Zarautz Bloodsurfers. Instead, he convinced Mendi Trolleater to travel south looking for something better.

At some point, they reached the caves where Global was originary from and it was there where he decided to coach his own team: The Global Blackdogs.

The team joined competition without having any practice game. Only time will say if they reach understanding on the pitch or they converge on the injuried dugout.

Global Blackdogs team badge
Bulletin board from the coach


Tournaments played:
Season 25
Trophies won:
Collector cards: Season 25


Retired 2020-08-31 /Anders

Current Champion

Latest matches:
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