
Race:  Halfling
Coach:  Samuel

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Bulletin board from the coach
Mar. 8th, 2010 - old news
Hillatopper Victory
Training for the team has paid off. Sad events turned a would be friendly match to a bloodbath. KnotRoot Blacktree Started of by killing the Celestial Dragons newest edition and then continued his rampage.

A final Score of 2-1 on touchdown and 5-1 in casulties (1 kill), mad a sad day for the sport, yet still a victory. The saurus will be missed, and the match well remembered as a heroic and stoic skirmish by the Dragons.

Ohh why did the old god's forsake them.
- Samuel
Feb. 25th, 2010 - old news
Spoonbender wins the glory
After the match against the high elves, player 12, Spoonbender, achieves glory. He's been training hard to learn the skills of taking down even the largest of foes, sometimes with awsome result.
In the future to be called Dauntless Spoonbender.
- Samuel
Feb. 11th, 2010 - old news
Awaiting second round
The hillatoppers seem to morn less about their losses and are looking forward to se the outcome of the first round of play among the other teams.
The outcome will certainly make the second round more interesting and the team looks forward to a more friendly team of blood bowl against tre high elves.
- Samuel
Feb. 4th, 2010 - old news
Bounty Posted
A bounty was posted by the head coach of the Hillatoppers.
Anyone who can find and bring the skaven gutter runner Dodgy to justice will be prized 20 000 gold pieces for crimes against the Hillatopper team, it's players, it's staff and it's fans.
- Samuel
Tournaments played:
Season 1, Season 2
Trophies won:
Choco consolation: Season 2


Current Champion

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