Khalidan Cobras

Race:  Tomb Kings
Coach:  Dr.Oster
The Eastern Khemri Football Conference (KFC East) never were strict on enforcing the NAF ruleset on weaponry and player safety. In a recent effort, the High Queen Khalida has banned the common use of weaponry, allowing KFC East teams to join international games

Khalidan Cobras consists of famous Midean players of the archaic Partolmai dynasty that long ago ruled the lands of eastern Nehekhara. Preserved in the blackest tar according to old customs, they now have risen from their undead Halls of Fame to play again in this new era of blood bowl.

Khalidan Cobras team badge
Bulletin board from the coach


Tournaments played:
Open Season 2, Season 18
Trophies won:
Most Lethal Team: Season 18


Retired 2020-09-01 /Anders

Current Champion

Latest matches:
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