Maws Misfits

Race:  Chaos Chosen
Coach:  Gimpen

Maws Misfits team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Sep. 8th, 2012 - old news
Hobos of the immortal city team up
The newly founded chaos bloodbowl team, scraped together from outcasts and streetroamers of the immortal city, is closing in for their first clash on the pitch this thursday. When we caught the teams coach in the lockerroom for a statement, he was too upset to get any useful info out of. He kept repeating the phrase "It's a damn zoo" and "get me out of here" as the beastmen were fighting over the remains of what seemed to be a very well fed halfling.
Overall the team was more interested in food than in the coachs' gameplan and we were quite fortunate to get most of our crew out of there alive. Sadly our goblin cameraman was unfortunately too scared to move when Bech'tar the minotaur charged a very annoying beastman and we had to leave what was left of him behind.
It will most certainly be one interesting game to watch and we anxiously await what will come out of the "Maws misfits"
- Gimpen
Tournaments played:
Season 9
Trophies won:
Most Lethal Team: Season 9


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