The not so nice Pirates

Race:  Dwarf
Coach:  Rebecka
The not so nice Pirates are not so very nice. You could call them unkind, mean, nasty or even evil. They don't mind, they will smash your team to pieces anyway.

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Bulletin board from the coach
Aug. 19th, 2011 - old news
Arrrgh! Is for Playoffs!
So The not so nice pirates puts the spirits in team-spirit. Armed with their strength, short legs and lots of them lovely rum kegs the pirate dwarfs will bleed, sweat and spit at their opponents in the upcoming playoffs.
- Rebecka
June 12th, 2011 - old news
The great journey.
Or How we fell in love with the above average unkind pirateteam in the league.

At the darkest of hour / way out at the Great Sea
somewhere around Norforks/ or that place with gum trees
lay handsome Cap'n Bloodgut / with a problem to solve:
The ship he commanded/ was sure gettin' too old!

Once they had been the kings / of this great sea of theirs
now the crown had been passed/ to some kids called "Hairs Bears"

(Or at least that's what the Cap'n called the darn hippies)

He thougt to himself that / "The sea sure has changed fast!"
"When I was a nipper / the *yaaaaaaawn* something someting blast!!!"

and with those last thoughts / our dwarf fell fast asleep
and as the morning arose / he woke up with a leap!

(He started off by shouting something about "A thousand curses, ye pig-faced pantaloon pullers!!")

"To hell with this darn ocean! / To hell with it all!!"
"We're putting ashore / and we'll go play some ball!"

The crewmen were startled / did they have a choice?
But then from a pile o'fish/ you could hear Conroys voice:
"Umm... Arrgh... yeah... well... *cough* / it sounds sort of like ... good..
My sealegs are hurting/ and I long to see blood"


The pirates started cheering / drinking and having a brawl
three months later (thereabout) / they hear their Cap'n call
To gather up for a game / in the league of Bloodbowl.

-- Paulie XOXO
Author of "The not so very nice pirates - the true story!"
The not so very straight poet slash singer-songwriter slash artist slash free spirit.
- Rebecka
Tournaments played:
Season 3, Season 5
Trophies won:
Jumbo Prize: Season 3
Master of Denial: Season 5



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