Overnite Sensation

Race:  Necromantic Horror
Coach:  MartinS
Disguised as a surgeon, Ingolf Geist followed the Reikland regiment heading to Grey Mountains. Strong soldiers tended to suffer fatal infections. Fast soldiers were infected with a substance that turned them into Ghouls. Nobody suspected that Geist was collecting players to form a new Blood Bowl team. Geist gathered selected body parts that he would later piece together to make Flesh Golems. One wolf howling night Geist disappeared. The captain didn’t dare to send soldiers as the nearby keep was haunted. One month later the team was complete.

Overnite Sensation team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
May 22nd, 2015 - old news
Flugslem is dead!
The famous and stinking Ghoul Flugslem died during yesterdays game vs. Blessed by hashut. The replacement is Tarmsvans, an equally bad stinking player.
- MartinS
Tournaments played:
Squig Bowl 10, Season 11, Season 17
Trophies won:
Collector cards: Squig Bowl 10


retired 2020-09-03 /Anders

Current Champion

Latest matches:
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