Supernatural Selection

Race:  Elven Union
Coach:  Ozt
Supernatural Selection comes from a valley hidden somewhere deep in the jungles. There young promising elves are released into the wild and lovingly encouraged to reach their full potential with the aid of a hostile environment, monsters and black magic!

Envious persons say that the team is not Elves anymore, but something... other.

Supernatural Selection team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Nov. 4th, 2011 - old news
Battle of the bruised.
In the upcoming game between Supernatural Selection and Drakenhof Blood Sport there are 3 team members from each team watching the game via cabalvision from their sickbeds. Added to that is the recently fired member of the elves that was too injured to stay on the team.

This game will hopefully be a nice recovery game with both coaches play to not injure each other even further.
- Ozt
Sep. 9th, 2011 - old news
Season of the Elf
Season 6 is looking to be the elfiest season yet with 5 elf teams in total. Only one REAL elf team though since most of theam feel the need of an extra adjective to try to disguise what they are.

Supernatural Selection aims to be the the perfect and pure Elf team that will make all the coaches run to try and recruit elves for season 7.

- Ozt
Tournaments played:
Season 6, Reserves Rumble, Season 8, Reserves Rumble, Reserves Rumble, Reserves Rumble
Trophies won:
Collector cards: Season 6


Current Champion

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