Two-Headed Ogres

Race:  Ogre
Coach:  Egil
co-coach:  Björn
The commissioner "special" (in more than one way) team.

The Two-Headed Ogres will most of the time be played by one (or both) of the commissioners, but they may also elect to randomly select a coach to lead the team if they are unable to play at a certain occasion.

The purpose of the team is to act as a fun filler up and surprise team.

If you want to contact the coaches for match sheduling you can use, or just turn up at any BB-thursday in the round and we will arrange the match.

Two-Headed Ogres<img border='0' title='retired' src='gfx/retiredteam.gif' align='absmiddle' style='margin-bottom:-1px'> team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
July 2nd, 2010 - old news
Victory celebrations
After the Ogres unexpected victory against Slakthus 7 there where a mighty party in the ogre camp.
None of the reporters that went to interview the players ever came back, but this song drifted out over the night as the celebration fires where burning low.

- We kill two beasts in da morning, we kill two beasts at night,
- We kill two beasts in the afternoon, and then we feel alright.
- We kill two beasts in time of peace and two in time of war,
- We kill two beasts before we kill two beasts, and then we kill two more.
- Björn
Tournaments played:
Season 2½, SquigBowl 2
Trophies won:
Most Lethal Team: Season 2½


Current Champion

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